just a quick note to let you know we will be running our Tea Break Open Days again this year.
Last year we had a Tea Break Day on the last Saturday of each month. They proved very popular for getting the locals out and also allowing visitors from further a field the oportunity to come and check out our gear or test drive our Bus before ordering thier wishbone kits!
Starting at the end of February we will be doing it all through the year. We are open from 8.30 til 5.00 and provide tea, biscuits and chat all day. If the Bus isn't on test drive at lunch we fire up the cooker for Bacon Butties!
Everyone is welcome, whatever the reason
The dates are February 25th, March 24th, April 28th, May 26th, June 30th, July 28th, August 25th, September 29th, October 27th and November 24th
Stick em in your diary and we'll see you there!